
When round to see Neil (Melvin's brother) to discuss about whether he wants to continue renting our land. Options are to put kye on it or to cut it for feed. Neil is still carrying on even though his brother died a few weeks ago.

Neil has 50 hens and 40 cattle. He had just delivered 60 eggs to the Harray stores. He has recently employed someone, a young laddie of sixteen fae the toon. The laddie was in the yard working and came in during our visit. He walked in and took a long slug of Iron Bru from his bottle. Neil made the introductions: 'This is me new servant'. Young laddie gave a nod of acknowledgement and exited.

Neil says he is a good hand.

Some folk think Neil should hire a translator as he is very broad Orcadian. Despite his long hours he maintains a good sense of humour. However I can't share what he said about the Department mannie in Inverness.

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