Wild Sparks .......

By WildSparks

Am I a Cow.....

Today woke with one of the demons going ..... I haven't heard from this person so therefore I have ballsed up in some way and buggered the friendship!! Then you spend the next hours pulling every detail of conversations and encounters apart to decided at what point did you screw up, (there are always many), and the old brain starts the fixating.

Thank goodness I had a walk planned so picked up Bertie and drove to walk there were five of us walking with maps and a GPS, as soon as I got walking and everyone was chatting I felt better, the day was wonderful and the sun was shining. We went through some rape fields and lots to cattle and horses. Dexter behaved a first, although there was a funny point when he went tearing off, obviously seen something, I tried to call him and Susie said look he takes no notice, then Denis said no look he has turned round and is coming back. He was in fact hot tailing it because there were three big dogs chasing him, he was running away not back!! We all laughed so much as he hid behind Bertie, waiting for back up.

The walk was 7 miles and boy it was good, and there are some cracking people in the walking group. We then went to a local pub and had a roast for £4.19 bargain!!

Traveled home and had a power nap! Then headed out to lets bake a cake, a woman was demonstrating a checkered cake, seems the same sort of principle as the ball cakes, the thing i was most impressed with was her falafal!! It was a nice evening and met some nice people tasted cake and picked up a few tips , but my favorite pic of the day was the cow.

Feel a bit more positive this evening, think it is the end of patch of dates, will help. Also need to work on somethings I have been writing down that i think may make the difference. It was also suggested by AJ that the new meds may be hindering at the moment will keep with them for a while and see if the mood improves.

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