Wild Sparks .......

By WildSparks

April Fool .......

Today is a day... that some years ago I was in Las Vegas getting married to someone I thought I would be with for the rest of my life, however circumstances thrown at us meant we are now on very different paths, but I miss the man I married, and the life that was mapped out then.

What I did in 2014 was get up take a temezepan and drove to the dentist who had to put up with a sniveling wreck while he drilled my teeth and redid some fillings for me, its a good job he has know me over 20 years and was very understanding. Receptionist went to school with me and even made me a cuppa to dribble into after!! Delightful.

Then stopped at Highdown to walk Dexter, it was a splendid day and the sun and air did me the world of good. I marched around the woods for hours. Dexter loved it, however not sure he was that keen on the red setter who tried to mount him!! Must be his new hair do!!

Came home and attempted to do some work on the house, gave up and went out and spent time cleaning out chickens, I have a broody BB at the moment so keep chasing her out of the nest box.

Then got on my beloved motorbike, purchased a super duper "please don't steal my bike" chain, and headed over to Brighton met up with the Mah jong crowd and had some eats. This is the figure in the pub, feels like what is trying to break out of my head at the moment. Love the dust and the chains and that there is a sign saying Happy hour!!! Had to take it with my little digital camera as hate dragging the big one round with me. I notice the picture quality is not as good as my one.

Had some cracking games of Mah Jong played with some newbies from Conversation cafe, they seemed to enjoy it. Stephen came over on his bike and we followed each other back along the seafront it was grand, love ridding the bike.

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