Exit stage left

By NessD

00:00 shot

Run into town, multiple loads of washing, ironing, mopping, scrubbing, hoovering (when it wasn't being temperamental), folding, packing, running to a rehearsal to sort some technical forms out, being distracted by W1A and doing my expenses before we leave......

Nowhere near done and as the date changed on my computer I realised that the only photos I had taken today were of receipts for my expense claims. It does at least sum up the day rather well.

Tomorrow I'll do what I can and make sure we have passports, phones, tickets, cash, credit cards and keys. Anything else we can get there anyway. I could do without the added pressure of a home inspection while we're away when I've been away from home for most of the last 10 weeks but hey it's not worth stressing over. We bust a gut until we get on the coach and then relax with something fizzy at the airport.

Obviously though back blipping the numerous gaps before I leave is winning over more mundane matters.


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