Exit stage left

By NessD


An extra day at work today for which my bank balance was grateful. I quite like having an office to myself and it was nice to be able to do some work with no distractions and no alterations. It was all going well until I seemed to manage to break Excel. I'm not sure what I did but it really wasn't happy so I had to resort to more manual techniques for consolidating the data I needed for Monday and then time ran away from me a little. As I was rushing to get to the theatre (it shouldn't have been a rush but I'd forgotten about tube closures) and working out what I could do to finish things by the meeting I realised I'd booked two meetings for before I even normally get there on a Monday morning. Oh well, crack of dawn start it is for me then.

The theatre though was fantastic - Bitch Boxer - which I've seen before but K hadn't and I was more than happy to see it again. A different actor this time and also a different staging. The audience were on 3 sides and really close to the action. In the front row, I had to move my feet a couple of times she was that close and that upped the intensity. I'm gutted I'm not 25 years younger as I would have loved to play that part.

Afterwards, the queue at Pitt Cue was too long for hungry old people who'd not eaten since lunch. TripAdvisor came to the rescue with Whyte and Brown. Free-range chicken dishes and craft beers. What's not to love. And snazzy toilets.


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