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By NessD

Good Friday

No scratch that. Make it Great Friday.

1) I didn't have to get up at 6am to go to work :-).

2) G came round with hot cross buns to book her flights to Australia. Those who know me in real life will realise that that makes it a pretty momentous day.

3) We got lots of little things fixed on the cars. Well, when I say we.... This included fixing the window on K's car which has been held up by Physio tape for the last fortnight. I'm not sure we've got every last bit of sticky off the window yet, mind.

4) After all that I felt like celebrating so we have flowers, fizz and chocolate. Hic :-D


Trying to forget I do have to set the alarm for 6am tomorrow.

If I'm inspired you may get a better photo later. My phone and camera batteries both died at the same time earlier. Novice error.

Edit: I've just viewed this on the computer. Eek, it didn't look blurry on my phone! Camera battery not yet charged so I'll have to pretend I was going for the soft focus look.

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