
...into a new daffodil

a burst of yellow - which will provide many sunny days of delight - in my house

i admit to being hooked on daffs - i don't know how this has happened - it sort of sneaked up on me - i'm going to blame it on my local market - that and the fact that i don't have a garden per se - i rely on having to find cheap fresh flowers - to adorn my house - in order to help perk me up - whenever necessary - and for some reason of late - the local market i visit - has had an abundance of daffs in stock - on the cheap! so i have taken advantage of them - bringing 'em into the house unopened - watching them flourish into beautiful blossoms - there is simply nothing like fresh flowers to soothe the soul - act like a balm on rough edges - it's a perfect recipe - to make for...


happy day.....

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