wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

In the eye of the beholder...........

Talent, who knows what that is? I found out that there are many experts out there.

This has been a tough week at work. We all have them. We all survive them. I lost sleep last night but I won't tonight. In the end I made a not popular decision but one that kept me true to myself. (I at least trust that person!)

On top of all that, I have some of my photographs hang in my office. They hang on the wall that my patients face while we do our interviews.
I was informed by a woman this morning that my photos were not bad. She of course was a photographer for many years as she advised me"I really know my stuff. "
Now here is where my hackles rise even telling this story.
She asked what I used for a camera. I reached into my drawer and showed her my camera a Nikon coolpix L180. She laughed. She f'n laughed.
She said well that's not a very good camera. I said. It's not the camera it's the person behind it. She told me how her last camera cost $2000. She went on about lenses and equipment and all sorts of things. as my eyes glazed over. I said if you can take a good picture it doesn't matter what you use. Whether it be her camera or my $350.00 camera.
Now I had three film cameras. My love affair with my pentex k1000 was epic. I loved that camera. It fit my small hands perfectly. I recently gave it to my niece. I also had a Topcon Bessler (I loved it and have no idea if it was a good camera or not it was a gift and I just loved it.) and a Minolta.
People crack me up.

One person said once when she saw my pictures. "My grandson likes to take pictures but he is good."

So from the authority .......I'm pretty good.

I have fallen asleep twice while writing this!!
Later gator

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