Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Looking Back...

That is what I found myself doing today ... looking back. We received more sad news ...someone else we love has passed away. Not unexpected, but still so very sad. When I heard the news, I decided that I needed to get out for a long walk. I picked a trail I haven't been on since the fall, one that is not heavily used, one where I was assured of having time completely to myself.

I used the time to reflect on this person, to have some quiet conversations in my head with her. And when I saw the first butterfly of the season flutter by, I felt like it was a sign...maybe her way of saying "life will go on." For you see, the butterfly was one of only a few species that overwinters in it's butterfly form through our harsh winters, to emerge from protected crevices in the early spring. That such a tiny, fragile creature survived the savage winter this year ... well, how can it not give me hope? Then, I heard the sweet melody of the song sparrow and when I turned, there it was, sitting in the brambles, singing. Another sign, perhaps? I'd like to think so.

Tomorrow is another will be a good day.


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