Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Enchanted life..

Harsh cruelty has given birth to a winter of rain and wind, in that torrent of malcontent, earth has become weak. Willows creek and groan in the wind, their tussled locks swinging from side to side, heads cast down in anguish. I walk among the cast off limbs and splintered trunks of the fallen trees. Nature sees fit to winkle out the old and poorly made, such heavy demands for some come late in life and once grand old masters of this place now lay torn.

Amid lush grass lay constant cracking twigs and branches. Like a battlefield tableau the horror strikes hard. I reach out and touch the rough bark. This one tree and I have history, forever have I seen the figure in it. Once we were young and not too dissimilar in size. Now our journey shows our nature, tall and proud he has become and my hand feels the memory of our past. Alone and complete he stands sentinel, guardian of the pasture.

All living things have energy....our minds have become fogged by science and grow dispassionate. We have forgotten that we are part of the earths cycle, we grow arrogant and unmindful of our place. My hand feels the bark under it grow warm from my touch....I smile....bloody old hippy! In quiet respect I nod to my old friend...a gentle breeze touches the air and the most fragile of sounds whispers in my ears...yes old friend....another day...fare thee well.

Life is a wonderful thing....but like growing a have to nurture it....put energy into it...and when you do....well, it becomes magical.

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