
4years 164days

This was 1am this morning. When I went up to bed, I found Katie with blood on her face, and on the sheets. I stirred her to clean her up and realised her nose had been bleeding, and was continuing to bleed. It upset her quite a bit, she's never had a nosebleed. But we got there in the end. She asked for cuddles, milk and a story. She settled back down and it happened again about 3am. She slept til morning, then when she woke it happened again. Thankfully, that was it. It was quite horrid, all things considered. And inexplicable. She hadnt been coughing especially hard, no knocks or bumps. I called the doctors but couldnt even get through and she had stopped by then. Its not happened since but I kept her home for the day again.

She asked very early on if ballet was open yet. I said we would have to wait and see if she was up to it. By the time her teacher came to pick us up, she was sky high about going. We went for a drink before class and her & little friend were seriously giddy. I took her little friend to the childminder, Katie went with her teacher to class. I got back just after they'd started and she had a great class. She changed into her snuggly sleepsuit after her class before sitting with a bit of picnic while the next class (Prep & Grade 1) did their modern work. They moved on to tap and Katie decided to join in. She did every bit of Grade 1 tap, nailed it. I was really impressed! She's learnt it all from watching the past few weeks and practising at home. She was literally bouncing when we came out of class.

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