Day 2

5years 164days 

We set off quite early to make a start on our first Paddington trail of the day. We had packed our bag ready for her ballet workshop this afternoon - her main Christmas present was a place to dance with the English National Ballet at their Swan Lake workshop this afternoon. Our trail this morning took us from Oxford Circus round Regent Street, Picadilly Circus, Leicester Square, China Town and Trafalgar Square. We were at Hamleys to see the bell ringing for opening and be greeted by the Hamleys Bear. She is often terrified of "characters" but she loved him and cuddled him. Because it had just opened, the shop was blissfully quiet. She got spoilt rotten by the staff. Including the large mouldable plastic balloon-bag that she is carrying in the image, and the bubbles that are being blown around her. The balloon burst as we were outside the shop. The bear saw her face fall, took her by the hand and led her to the man who'd made it. The bear then stamped his foot several times to indicate she should have another. She was so delighted. We took a stop in M&M world at Leicester Square. She loves the choose-your-own. She was thrilled to find the Gruffalo themed Shaun, and rang Grandad to tell him we had. Shortly after, we found out that her workshop was cancelled due to the large, not yet put out, fires near Holborn. We were both so gutted. We pressed on with the trail, finding the Passion Play as we went to Trafalgar Square. Katie loved that theirs had real life horses. 

We had finished the trail just in time to meet J again. She said both of us looked rather sad and suggested we head for morning coffee. Liberty's style. Morning coffee at Liberty's - my dear friend knew just the trick to perk us up! It was delightful. A platter of toast, beautiful coffee, exceptional service and all the wonderful charm & prettiness you'd expect of Liberty. As we walked through the store, one of the staff suggested we take Katie up to their children's department as they had an Egg Hunt with very good prize bags. Katie completed the really easy hunt and we handed the form in, expecting to be put into a draw for a later date. Instead she was handed a huge bag full of amazing goodies - a Hatley brolly, beautiful Liberty headband, a Liberty trimmed Jellykins bunny, 2 more hair accessories, a purse, a bracelet, stickers. It was incredible! We then went to the haberdashery. And I was in utter heaven. I barely knew where to start! I have so much brewing in my head now that I want to create. I don't actually know how I left without buying fabrics there and then - probably only on the fact that J can post me that which I decide to buy. 

We said a final goodbye to our dear friend before we headed to meet another friend. We walked to hunt a Shaun located in St James' Park, stopping to play in some blossom and daffodils. We then headed through Westminster. Katie's face when she saw Big Ben for the first time this trip was wonderful. We had a late picnic under "his" shadow as he chimed 3pm. We walked Westminster Bridge and headed to the South Bank. Still on a "cheer my sad baby up" mission, she was treated to a ginormous stick of fresh candy floss. We started our next trail around the Eye, the British Film Institute, Waterloo Bridge and heading to Covent Garden. As we finished the trail, it was raining quite heavily. The freebie brolly was much appreciated! We found a little pizzeria off Regent Street for a really nice tea. We later discovered many consider it the best in London. It was quite fabulous! 

We said goodbye to our friend after running - due to excitement and also due to the rain - to the Palladium. Katie and I's final stop of the day was to see Cats. We had a truly excellent evening. She had a great time enjoying their Jellicle Ballroom - an exhibition about the original run of the show, face painting (she was a pink, purple and blue cat), photo opportunities, original costumes to look at. We bought a programme because she was very excited to see the name of her dance school listed with one of the main cast's bios. Our seats were in the very back row of the most Upper Circle. She thought that was excellent. She sat so still and enthralled the whole time - apart from 10minutes of the first half when she snoozed. During the interval, we'd had a tip off from a steward so hotfooted it down to the stalls and were shown to the stage. Old Deuteronomy signed our programme. She was so excited about it but got stage fright when it came to her turn, so made me go up while she stood at the edge of the stage, looking out at the three tiers of people. She was brilliant through the second Act, though slightly frightened of the pirates. But Mr Mistofelees about absolutely blew her away. She loved it. We came out at gone 10 but she stayed awake the entire journey back. I was so proud of her today. 

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