This is Duncan....... neighbour Toms son!
Wearing his crown ; judging by his t-shirt ,hoping to be king of Scotland!
And I am introducing you to him, because he is lucky to be here!
Duncan ,whilst tending sheep ,very foolishly argued with a big bale of hay high up in the barn ,which decided to fall on his head!
As Tom said ,its a good thing hes thrawn because he didn't let its 1/2 ton weight break his neck.....merely crack it here and there!
The things some people do just to get a ride in the rescue helicopter!
But Duncan is made of stern stuff , and he is back home on the farm sporting this trendy headgear !
No turning of his head for the next 10 weeks!
Sleep is not easy...... so Duncan is up at 4am....doing the washing up, sweeping the floor, doing the accounts ,and now baking! chocolate cakes no less!!
His mum is delighted!
His dad thinks he did it just to get out of the lambing!! :-D

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