Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The policeman always rings twice

Well tonight they did anyway. I was the victim of minor theft from a car a couple of weeks ago, and they wanted to talk to me about the return of my property. I've had lots of calls and texts from the police. All part of the modern culture of victim support.

A very long day in the office but with a fish and chip Friday club meeting today. We have them every couple of months. Someone goes to the chippie and about twenty of us sit in the kitchen eating the world's best takeaway out of the paper.

TSM was hot desking with us this afternoon and caused a disturbance with her hair, which lots of people wanted to smell. Very odd moment. Very girlie.

Scout escaped, sneaking out of the front door tonight. Had a few anxious minutes before getting him back in.

Bit 0f a rambling blip this one, should probably go to bed.

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