Welcome to Amsterdam!

An early start, off to the airport, up in the air with the greatest of ease and before you knew it we were in Amsterdam! We were met at our accommodation by a lovely woman and then set off on foot to start exploring. Somehow I picked a cool neighbourhood and we got to the corner before we spotted our first cool spot to hang out.

It's warmer than Edinburgh but when the sun went down it started to get a bit nippy so we came back to our pad, picked up the formerly discarded scarf and hoody and went exploring again. We had some delicious food, a slow meander back and fun with a fountain. We stopped in for a glass of mort subite at the aforementioned cool neighbourhood spot and this came on - somehow suited the place.

Here's everything one might seek in Amsterdam - tulips and bikes on the right, a canal, another bike and a cupola on the left and in the middle roll-mop herring. Dr T was a happy man.

More photos in the other place.


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