Big Hill

By bighill

Not a speck ....

of snow was anywhere near this blip!!!!

The past couple of weeks have been busy cos we've decided to have a modest (read fast and dirty!!) Open House here at Big Hill Pottery, the weekend before i've been maddly making lots of pots, Terry has been building shelving and just dealing with all the details that now have to be attended to!

So, this afternoon i took myself off down to the lovely little town of Baddeck, it really is a very nice, small town and spent a lovely time chatting with Kate and Leah, 2 of the folks that run this delightful and extremely friendly library! I love libraries, but especially small ones in rural communities! They just seem to ooze comfort and they always have such a very welcoming feel to them! Got myself some great reading material....renewed the wonderful photography book i've been eating up.....and joined the local writers club!!! yeah, they meet once a month - and the next meeting is in January! I'm excited about this new direction....and who knows, maybe it'll help with my grammer too!!!

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