Happy 2nd Birthday Joti!

Wow! 2 already! Where has that time gone!? Joti has been excited about her birthday ever since Spence has his three weeks ago! She talks about candles (purple and yellow), presents and starts singing Happy Birthday to Joti!

Joti is such a happy little thing! She is talking really well now. She know her colours most of the time, can count to eleven then says random numbers in the teens.

We opened a couple of presents in the morning which she was excited about! She would open the card, then say 'dear Joti' just like she was reading it! It was very cute!

Spence had soccer this morning which they won 12-0! Spence kicked 3 goals which he was so excited about! We came home, opened a couple more presents then went over to Fleur's house for a play and a swim!

It was Fleur's 40th birthday yesterday so we went out for tea to a nice place in Dicky Beach. Fleur hired a children's entertainer who made balloon animals to keep the kids entertained while we had dinner! It was great!

Here is Joti wearing the balloon hat the lady made for Fleur last night!

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