Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Grey Mining Bee..

..Aka 'Ashy Mining Bee'.

I wish I had a sharper view of his little Santa beard! (It's very windy here).

There were lots of Mason Bees around too.

And a lovely bumble bee, but the poor thing was covered in mites.
(It didn't feel right to blip it. However I did read on UK Safari that some dear lady claims success at ridding the bee of mites by coaxing it to climb on to a stick
and be(e) 'dunked' in a cup of water. A few times, with fresh water each time. Apparently the mites float off. And the bee recovers.
I'm not generally an interferer with nature. But if anyblipper can verify that this as helpful, I'll give it a go).

Other news from Mundi Towers, we find ourselves impaled upon the horns of a dilemma.
By some unfortunate accident (i.e. we watched two in one go without thought of the consequences) we have only one episode of The Big Bang Theory (Series 5) left to watch...And series 6 (ordered) has not yet arrived :-/
Dare we watch our one remaining episode and risk the terrible withdrawal symptoms if the new one fails to arrive tomorrow?? :-/
(Altogether now...
'Math, science, history unravelling the mystery
That all started with the Big Bang'... BANG
Barenaked Ladies... You have to love them too).

P.S. The ladybird eggs have not hatched yet.
(Maybe they're waiting for Easter!).

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