Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The Church of St Augustine of Canterbury...

... Whose claim to fame, apart from having existed since the late 12th century (which is a pretty big claim to fame in my estimation) is that David and Samantha Cameron married here in, I think, 1996.

I spent a little time around the churchyard today (Sainsbugs was calling, but I was ignoring).
I would have liked to have gone inside but, like many village churches these days, it was locked.

I'm blipping it because I liked the face in the wall to the right of the gate.
I haven't found any information about who it might be or how old it is.

I've been more concerned with todays images all leaning worryingly to starboard.
Actually, this is not a new phenomena for me.
ALL my images do this.
ALL my horizons slope like the poles have already shifted but nobody told us.
(Which they probably won't, when they do).
Sometimes I compensate.
And spend a happy day or two port-leaning.
Overcompensation :-/

St Augustine.
Of Canterbury.
(What was he doing in East Hendred I wonder?).

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