Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

A couple of ladybirds

Saw quite a few today, these pair were the second ones of the day, I didn't even realise there was too until I got closer to photograph.

Took Lola for a short (ish) walk this morning, first one after her spaying procedure on Thursday and she was pulling as usual, raring to go. She must have worn herself out though because she was out for the count for a quite a while once back home.

Tomorrow Lola has her 1st post-op appointment back at the vet. I'm sure she's not going to enter as quietly and happily as she did before the op.

My Mums dog Alfie is going in on Tuesday to be neutered so we'll be passing on the e-collar tomorrow.

So nice to know Blaine will be on school holidays from tomorrow and be at home with us, looking forward to spending some quality time with him, although he's got a schedule that he's printed out and it includes about 50 Hours of revision plus his passion of writing, playing piano and some gaming so not sure there will be much time for us!

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