Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Got you!

Posing for photos is not something Blaine will do happily, so I had to be sneaky in getting this and you can tell from the look of surprise on his face he wasn't expecting it.

It's school holidays but he's busy studying for exams next month.

Been busy this morning, dropped Aiden off at my Mums, they are going to visit an elderly friend, then go back to my Mums to spend the rest if the day together.

After getting home, I started on turning Aiden's old chest-of-drawers into a desk and I'll recycle the drawers to make shelves, once they and her new set of 2nd hand chest-of-drawers have had a lick of paint and waxing they'll look as good as new. Also eventually found a storage solution for my CD's and DVD's, although in need of some paint too, it'll do for now. Yay, that's the last two boxes unpacked.

Was supposed to take Lola back to the vet this afternoon for a post-op check up but the weather forecast predicted rain so I postponed until tomorrow morning, as it's about a 40min walk there and didn't think it would be good for Lola's wound to get wet if it did rain, so far it's stayed off though - typical. I hope it doesn't end up raining tomorrow when I've re-booked to take her!

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