Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

If you don't like it you can kiss my a-

Next door's pug invaded our garden through a hole in the hedge today and bought one of next door's cats with him; our guys were all indoors at the time and too sleepy to be affronted but he did give me this backwards look as he headed home as if to day "What? You got a problem". I thought the stare and the canine anus complemented each other somehow (reminded me of the joke abut the one eyed cat).

I did have a planned blip of The Dizzle with his guitar teacher today but it didn't come up to scratch, I shall try that one on another rainy Sunday. Did have a very nice FaceTime session with The Girl Racer 'though, she had been to see TSM's sister an hour north of Sydney so we felt happy that different bits of the family were linking up all those thousands of miles away. Back home we had fab brunch, all four of us, then the usual domestics of shopping and going to the dump. Our trolley disappeared in Morrisons, it turns out a guy suffering from confusion had gone off with it. Shame he didn't pay before returning it to us.

How do the weekends manage to go so fast?

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