Looking up...

By tralala

Wild wood

This really should have been my entry for tomorrow's MonoMonday but I won't be here tomorrow! This is a gnarled old oak at Savernake forest where we walked the dog today. Tomorrow we will be out for the day, leaving early and back latish.

This weekend we had lots of family staying over. It was all a bit of a last minute arrangement and I was already booked for Saturday night out with the girls, who I don't see that often.

My mother-in-law arrived Friday and gradually felt more and more unwell yesterday. I went on my night out, leaving her here with father-in-law, hubby and his sister. I had a really great night catching up with friends and having a few glasses of pink fizz. Just as I was about to call hubby to ask him to pick me up, he rang to say his mum was on her way to hospital in an ambulance.

It turns out she was having an allergic reaction to some medication she was put on. Thankfully a few hours on a drip and some sleep and she was feeling much better. She has spent all day apologising for being ill!

Now everyone has gone home and it all seems very quiet.

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