Birthday girl

Busy day for Lottie today - she got up early for her last church parade at Rainbows, and then came back to get changed for her birthday celebrations. Being a grown up 7 year old she had decided that the usual soft play option was far too babyish now so had asked if she could take some friends to the cinema. 5 of her friends from school came round and off we went to see the Muppets. For some reason the film started late but the kids were all good and we all enjoyed it.

It was then a mad dash across town to Pizza Express - fortunately they weren't busy so didn't mind that we were late. Pizzas all round, a chorus of happy birthday, and a pudding went down well and once again they all behaved well.

Missed the first ten minutes of the football but saw most of it - a nervy game, a very poor ref, but three important points for the Reds. Ended a good day by catching up with the Voice final.

Thoughts have now inevitably turned to Monday! I have a feeling it's going to be another busy week which will fly by - good in a way as I have a week off then, but so much to organise before then that I could do with it slowing down a bit!

Another week has gone by without time to look at your journals, I will catch up soon x

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