Welcome to my world...

By KatJ

End of the season

Much as I moan about standing on the side of a cold, wet and windy rugby pitch I do feel a little sad when the end of the season comes around. There were not many boys there today due to it being the school hols so they played sevens and Ollie said he really enjoyed it. There's still another tournament to go and of course he has his 'Quins trial next month so it's not quite over yet!

As the weather was so rubbish I didn't feel inspired to go anywhere this afternoon so we holed up indoors with some movies. I always feel guilty about not doing enough with the kids in the holidays but I think sometimes they do just like to chill out. Our weekends are always so packed full of activities during the term time so it shouldn't be a problem to do nothing.

I do need to come up with a cunning plan for Wednesday though as I'm off work with the two of them....

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