Welcome to my world...

By KatJ

Waiting Room

First day of the Easter Hols. Not the most exciting day and the weather didn't help- not exactly inspiring!

So a lazy morning to start with and then Becca had a dentist appointment. She has a fused inscisor/canine deciduous tooth which hasn't come out yet and may be affecting the permanent teeth underneath so she has been referred to an orthodontist to see if it needs extracting :-/ I had years of unpleasant extractions and orthodontic treatment (and still hate my large bunny teeth) so the thougt of it sets my teeth on edge!

On the way home we popped in on my parents and then visited my grandma in her nursing home. I'm ashamed to say it's been a while since I went and I'm always sad to see a deterioration in her health. She has just turned 94 and whilst her body shows it she still has the mind and wit of a 20 year old!

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