Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Christmas Trees and Eyeballs

Today we took Bob dog to the "Eye Care for Animals" in the city of Tustin. I liked their Christmas tree, so I reached in my purse for my cheapie camera and clicked away as the people crowding the waiting room quietly watched with curiosity. Honestly, before my affair with Blipfoto, I would have been entirely too shy to be that forward in the veterinarian's waiting room.

So I finished clicking, and then Mr. Fun nonchalantly said, "Did you see the eyeballs on that tree?"

Well, heck no, I had not. I was just occupied clicking the tree from across the room. The viewing screen of my cheapie camera is so inferior that I rarely know what I've captured until I download the day's find onto my computer.

So then I stood-up, moved across the room and clicked the eyeball decorations up-close. I stepped back across the room and sat down, and Mr. Fun asked, "Did you put the camera on close-up?" Well shoot, I had not.

So I just handed him the camera and said, "Thank you very much, I'm sure you can handle this." And he did. He clicked the eyeball decorations.

This has been a horrible day. Bob dog has not been doing well since early November when we discovered him swimming to get out of the backyard pool. He had fallen in. That has happened at least 3 more times now. He no longer is allowed in th backyard because his vision is quite poor and our pool is quite big.

For years Bob dog's eyes have not made enough tears. So nightly Mr. Fun puts ointment in Bob's eyes.

In his old age, Bob dog has become more grumpy and crotchety when someone is messing with him. So his eye examination today was horrifying for him and for me. I had to pick him up to place him on the exam table and I had to put a whole-body-hold on him so he could be examined. The assistant finally muzzled him because he wasn't into being messed with. The muzzle-moment exacerbated Bob's fear and his fight.

After the examination, as the vet explained the severity of the damage in Bob's right-eye, I stood there blinking back tears wondering if the vet had something he could give me for the overflow of liquid in my eyes.

We think Bob dog is almost 16 years old. We found him at the shelter 14 years ago this January. I fell in love the very first time I saw him. He has been the best little friend. Watching him age and ultimately expire is extremely difficult. So I write this to help me accept and deal with this situation.

Thanks for reading this far. Thanks for caring.
It's been raining in Southern California -- from my eyes
and from the sky and that's a good thing!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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