Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Looking Up!

When I'm feeling down, the best thing to do is look up!

After yesterday's downer, I have managed to capture a moment of sunshine today, and it was an extremely bright spot in a very wet and windy day. I am not complaining; we need the rain desperately. Hopefully that dirt meadowland behind our house will now give us some green.

Thanks to everyone who spoke words of encouragement on yesterday's page. We're hoping Bob dog will improve. Mr. Fun is administering medicine in Bob dog's eyes three times a day for the next several days, and then back to the vet's office next Friday.

So my emotions are all over the place -- at moments I'm fine and dealing so objectively with this situation; then there are moments I'm a gushing puddle. Mostly, I'm looking up and going to enjoy the time we have.

Monday is Mr. Fun's birthday. We could use some celebrating!

Good night from an extremely wet Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun and Bob dog), aka Carol

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