Friday Foto

By drmackem

Bolt and Memories of Nan

DM eyes fixed on me(treat.

Long day today including attending Nans' funeral. Nan after a year of not been able to walk the mile to the shops and then back passed on aged 97. She was an important part of our lives in the 15 years we lived in Frizinghall, our first years of marriage and those years when our children arrived in to our lives and those who we lived amongst in the local church family we found ourselves in.
Nan was always old to us, but always young, interested in new things, and resistant to change. Two of her family attended but the church was full, which reflects her generous and open heart. She was well up for womens rights and held and expressed firm views. I remember her kindness to us as a family and particular words of encouragement to me in my younger even more foolish days.
You can't feel to0 sad after someone gets to that age having lived her life fully and having found such affection in the heart of so many.
Bless you Nan.

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