Twinkle toes and sleepy head

Grotty ish night
Charlotte woke around 3am crying for daddy. Daddy did a sterling job of trying to get her back to sleep, but she was just upset. He brought her into our bed, whereafter a drink and a quick bounce etc, she settled down and slept.

I took this of the two of them around 6:30am. So peaceful x

Penultimate day at work. Almost there in stuff that needs doing. Just need to write a few more lists. My class nearly made me cry today as I had invited them all formally to afternoon tea tomorrow. Every single one of them had written me an RSVP!

Home, parcel from Australia had arrived. Lovely gifts. Charlotte adores her tutu. She kept doing all her ballet moves in it.

Shower, let daddy go to the pub as it is his birthday.
Just one more day

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