Poxy play date

Had a playdate with my little man today. We've not spent a whole day together, alone, since I returned to work.
Took Munchie to nursery, Wom stayed in the car with the radio on. Home via M&S, I've missed this, then milk and sleep for him. Full fat coke and planning for me.

Rest of day has been spent playing.
Talking to Harold
Practising walking
Driving practise too

Change of sleepsuit as that one was filthy from playing outside

Tea at the farm, was lovely to set a cheese sandwich together whilst the peacocks wandered around and the dog sat patiently.

Home again, change of hat

Chewing on his phone
More walking practise.

Spots look angry, but not too many more have come up, yet!

Munchie, full of snot, pollen or brewing the pox.? Lots of tears tonight as she was very very tired

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