Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

A Big Adventure

Orla has gone to Yorkshire for a week with Grandma and Grandad. She was so excited about it, but unlike last year when she barely gave us a backward glance she was quite upset about going this morning. She said "I love you Mummy" and "I'll miss you Mummy" loads of times, and she gave Conor lots of kisses and told him that she would miss him too.

But by the time it came for Dad to leave her with Grandma and Grandad at Rheged, she was so excited to be going on the playground that he got a very cursory "bye" and that was it.

She was back at Yorkhill to see the dentist this morning. Her stitches were pretty much all gone and the last one came out very easily. One of her adult teeth is cutting through the gum already. They want to see her again in a year's time just to check how things are going.

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