Magna Science Adventure Centre

Grandad kindly sent us some photos today of Orla's holiday so far. Today they went to the Magna centre near Rotherham. It looks like she had an absolute ball. She spoke to her dad on the phone this evening and I'm going to Skype her tomorrow.

I had my blood pressure checked today. It was 141/79, which is still way higher than my normal blood pressure. Hopefully it'll have come down by the time I have my six week post-natal check in a fortnight's time. After I'd seen the nurse I walked out to the Colzium and back with Conor. I had to keep up a brisk pace, otherwise he would burst out crying! When we got home it took ages to get him down, but I did finally get about an hour's sleep. He's sound asleep now so it's time for me to get some shut-eye too.

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