S1 - Another Day

By S1

It's definitely a Monday morning

This morning we were going to catch up with E&R&J at a local softplay, however as we were on our way there they called to say the softplay had a broken lock and we couldn't get in - the Monday morning curse. Due to the miserable weather we decided hanging round waiting wasn't an option so decided to try again another day.

So CJ and I headed into Portobello to do a little shopping and to pick up something from the post office.

Well the Monday morning curse struck again. None do the shops I needed to go to where open and the parcel at the post office was a lot bigger than I thought! Add in the rain and miserable day, we aborted the shopping mission and headed back to car.

The rain did mean CJ got to play bubble boy in his buggy - with his new game trying to hit all the rain drops as they land on the plastic! I love the fact that simple games can keep him amused for ages!

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