
By LornaMcHardy

Kelpies in Blue

I was wondering what to do for Word no.2, Chatoyant... I'd never even heard the word before, and it's such a technical term!
It usually refers to the lustre of gemstones, in particular the cat's eye effect, which has to do with fibrous inclusions or cavities within the stone. Then I also found a definition that simply read "having a changeable lustre".

Still, a tricky one! Then as I was driving home tonight, I saw the Kelpies. (I've blipped one of them before, during the day, on January 31st.)
I'd not realized that they light them up at night.
But even better, the lights appear to be within the sculptures, and the colours change from blue to clear to red and purple. This blue was the most striking. And while lights within are not the same thing as fibrous inclusions, I decided that changing, lustrous lights included within the sculpture would fit quite well enough.
And I was really pleased to get the image at all, given that it was a spur of the moment thing and I hadn't even my tripod with me... there was a handy bridge to stabilize the camera on, though.

So here you are... Kelpies, chatoyant in blue.

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