
By LornaMcHardy


Today I got the best I think I'm going to get for the one I wanted for Word no.6, Celeripedean.
It means a fast runner, like swift-footed Achilleus of Homeric epic.

Since I have no Greek heroes to photograph, I offer you this chicken. She doesn't have a name, because I got her and two other Welsumers at the same time, and we couldn't tell the three of them apart... so they became known collectively as The Wellies.

This, then, is a Wellie at what is actually a fraction of her top speed - you can tell because she's not flapping as she runs. Especially when you call them in the high pitched voice ("Choooooooookchookchookchookchook!") that means "I have a handful of delicacies here and if you want some, you'd better arrive before the others do"... you wouldn't believe just how swift-footed they can be.

Achilleus would be amazed.

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