Views of my world

By rosamund


I felt out of sorts all day today and I think it's because I decided to go into work when I'm supposed to be off. I have a massive pile of stuff to do that never seems to get any smaller and can only be done at my desk in work. I promised myself a couple of days during the holidays to catch up and ease the stress but I ended up feeling tired and resentful. I took a left turn at the end of the road so I headed for Irvine from Barrhead and managed a half-hearted walk on the beach at Seamill. Spent some time with Freya catching up on the great British sewing bee final which has inspired us to have some sewing time tomorrow in between her study periods. With Noah at his dads and Freya studying so much or seeing her friends it's been a very different kind of holiday. In knitting news Scatness is cast off and ready for the big steek, might attempt it tomorrow if I'm feeling more with it.

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