wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

It was this or the pie

I came home from work tonight and made the best quiche in the whole wide world. Oh yes I did. Then I made a cherry pie. Not the best in the world however, it did not suck. The crust was a gift from God I tell you .
Today was one of those days. It started with someone that came in to my office and said "who is the photographer?" I said "I took those photos."
She said and I SO do not kid you
"nice frames"
I busted out laughing. Absolutely cracked me up.
She was serious.

Blip has changed my life. I am obsessed with looking at things as a potential. I went to pick up two pairs of boots at the shoe shop and saw wicked cool stuff. I was a bit shy about asking. As it was they only take cash. What is this word cash? I never carry it. I have a secret stash of gig money. I raided it and Don's coffee money. He will be so pissed tomorrow morning.
I was stuck for tonight's blip. I think I will try the beach next week. I think the sun sets there. God knows we chased it and never found it.
I thought I would try something different but let's face it, I am not a people photographer. I know there are many ways to do it well however, not so much for me.
Things do not talk back or whine that I have taken a bad picture and let me tell you. I have taken some stinkers.
My friend Chris who is Raven68 Is great at people because that's what he does. He is the only one who has taken picture of me that I like. I look fat in every picture. My face is NOT symmetrical.
You know the old joke, the camera adds 10 pounds, how many cameras were on you?
So here is my blip after about 16 other things.

Meanwhile the next door neighbor has systematically taken each of his 4 motorcycles and test driven them around and around the neighborhood just to make sure they all work. These are small motorcycles. I think like a Suzuki. They make a lot of high pitch noise. Think the key of h flat.
( btw real men drive Harley's. A very tattooed man told me that. He could have told me the moon was cheese and I would have believed him.)
I am suspecting my neighbor would be afraid of them. They have balls
like his neighbor.
I am thinking of getting chickens.

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