Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Hundreds and Thousands

Its difficult to have to study extra lessons after school on a school day!!!

Its doubly difficult to study extra lessons on a holiday!!!

...but if mummy says so.......then there's no way out.......or is there???

When I arrived at ms Emm she was busily engaged in splattering mixing up a cake which eventually would find its way into the oven, (minus a few fingerfuls of mixture which ended up in Ems tum!!!)

Big sister Soph..continued the tricky bit of putting it in the oven and monitoring the time while Em and I did mass calculations on many groups of two make a tongue many hundreds make adequate hair many thousands make a sugar overload bushy beard
.........what proportion of his face should be covered in what! many sugar crystals can cover the area of his tongue
.........the eyes were easy was the moustachio!!!

The hard part was persuading little Em that she hadn't created an individual cup cake tray bake and that it might need to be cut into more than one slice!!!!

That's when maths becomes hard with all those halves, quarters, eights, tenths and sixteenths.....but hey......who says maths can't be fun up to that point!!

Well done little Em! Stars for you!

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