Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

Falkirk Burgh Hall

A morning in Falkirk, an afternoon in Cumbernauld and an evening out with friends - a kind of day that had an "if it's Tuesday, it must be Belgium" ring about it.

It was also a day not without a degree of irony. I had to be in Falkirk this morning to be photographed and my credentials checked for my concessionary bus-pass (big birthday coming up soon!) Planned to drive up, but the car wouldn't start, so went for the bus instead. It must have passed my stop early since I waited for 10 minutes after it was due and it didn't appear. So walked 20 minutes to another stop to catch another bus into town. On the way back from Falkirk my bus didn't appear (again!) so caught another service instead and walked home from there. Well, when my bus pass does arrive, I had better get used to such [lack of] service. Maybe today was a warning shot across the bows that "have bus pass, will travel" won't be quite as straightforward as it sounds.

Car still wouldn't start when I got home, so had to get someone to collect me for my meeting in Cumbernauld and someone else to bring me home. Hopefully, will have time to look at the car tomorrow. As Joni Mitchell sang "you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

As it happened, I had planned to take some photos in Falkirk this morning. The former Burgh Hall (pictured) was opened in 1879 and was the meeting place for the town or burgh council until the new Town Hall opened in the 1960's. The architectural style is 'Scottish Baronial' and the town's coat of arms, complete with motto, adorn the east-facing wall on Glebe Street (on the right of the picture). The building is currently used as the Registrar's Office for births, deaths & marriages.

Even if this picture had no other merit, it is worth recording the patch of blue sky seen today - a rare sight recently.

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