Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Full Nest

The momma hummingbird doesn't quite fit in the nest anymore. Mr. Fun says she's riding high on the saddle. While she was gone for a while this afternoon, I moved the ladder close enough to take a quick look into the nest. Her babies are developing beaks. A few days ago their beaks were barely visible.

The news out of the nest is that Spring Break started for me when my students exited the classroom at 12:35 this afternoon. They wrote their in-class essays and then one-by-one they made an exit. My goal is for them to leave on Spring Break without loads of work to do. So they now have two weeks before I'll see them again. I told them they have one week of Spring Break and one week that includes homework. Hopefully I will not be grading their in-class essays all though out my Spring Break. I can hardly believe that we are now halfway through the semester.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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