Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Yearly Beauty

This plant annually gifts us with a gorgeous flower and sometimes several of them. I think for the past several years, I've managed to capture the image for my blip page.

Late this morning I had an appointment at Kaiser Medical Center to see a respiratory therapist for breathing tests so a doctor can then diagnosis whether or not I have COPD.

One year ago, Mr. Fun and I went through the "life screening" tests and of the many results I received from all the tests and scans, there was only one negative. I thought it was a lot of phooey. So I ignored it because I basically do not like anything to do with medical procedures, but lately I've felt a bit short of breath.

Today the therapist put me through a series of breathing tests. She is not the one to make the final analysis, but she was quite certain that I do not have COPD and that my breathing capacity is within normal range. So it looks as though Mr. Fun might have to put up with me for a while longer. I was definitely relieved.

This has been a good day!
From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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