Views of my world

By rosamund


Every Night Is Followed By Sunrise

6.22am 6 degrees


As my house faces west all I could see when I looked out the window at 5.45am was clouds which didn't fill me with joy but when I reached the a Esplanade I could see the sky was clear in the east with a small bank of cloud sitting above Cardross on the other side where the sun would rise. I always like to try and give myself a good 20 minutes before the sun is due to come up as you can't always tell when the best colours will be and I enjoy the anticipation and sense of stillness and calm while I wait for my shot.

As I was leaving the house I did wonder to myself "why am I doing this again when I could be in bed?" Thankfully the sunrise answered that question for me, this week with a pair of complimentary oystercatchers (renta gull must be on holiday). The beauty of it is, my bed is still there, and I'm going back to it now as this is the first day of the holidays that Freya doesn't need to go to study school.

Have a great Friday blippers!

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