Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Sub-Bass Nativity

What is it with women that they think your speakers are actually a display cabinet?

Came down to the church today to find someone (I know who) decided to "upgrade" my sub-bass loudspeakers into a nativity scene. If I turned the PA up lound enough, then the may just all start vibrating and fall off the side?

However, as it's Christmas, I'm in a good mood, and forgiving. They can stay.

(and seeing as how the bands assume the other sub-bass is acually a music book shelf! I can't complain!)

I forgot to say the porker is back and she's fully forgiven. The magic garage in Kilsyth fixed her up again, complete with the usual bill ("aww, forget it, you can pay for it at the next service"). We all love MM.

Afternoon shopping for curtains - just what I want to do!

Evening doing the podcasts and finished building my new web server/audio editing software PC. The problem is, my favourite audio software is a bit old and does not like Vista/Windows 7. So I've had to install VMWare on my new PC to get my old software to run on a virtual XP machine.

Well, looking forward to another night on the couch. No, I've not fallen out with K. Ever since eldest came back on Friday, she's decided that she's in my side (just because there is no bed in her room!). Target for finishing the decor is Thursday!

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