Last days

This room is being used as both staff room and sixth form common room at school at the moment. When I started at the school in 1977 this room was actually 3 classrooms with a stockroom in the middle where I met my prospective head of dept for the first time and he interviewed me in the cupboard! I'm sure there must be some law against that now! Anyway, they offered me the job and I've been there ever since.

This photo was taken on the last time I will ever go in this room as the whole block, which was the old Boys' Grammar School, is to be demolished after Easter. The school has fewer students now and has newer buildings on the other side of the site so the 1960s building is to go. Good job really as the roof leaks and the toilets smell!
The young man on the left is now a teacher at the school - I taught him when he was in Y8!

So this is my little bit of history today.

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