The Egg Outcome...
..Only not really an 'outcome', because that implies this is what 'came out'.
But, this is what was left.
It's the topmost, shrivelled egg to which I refer!
This was the best image I could manage of it (it really is too small to see with (my) naked eye. But we know that I need a specs appt... Still waiting!).
And it's the last ladybird egg blip.
I thought, as the world hots up on Easter and eggs, I shall cool down.
Ever out of step (or, bless me (?) the only one IN step?)
The good news is that other ladybirds were laying eggs today too.
Spotting them (no pun intended) clearly works like seeing unusual cars;
once you've spotted one, you see loads more.
Here at Mundi Towers we have experienced a Very Exciting Day.
The new (good guy) builders have now not only mended what the bad builders did, but have overtaken the point they'd arrived at before they left us high and dry.
For the first time in nearly two years we have made actual, visible progress today!
To my surprise (and embarrassment) I cried just a little bit.
(Stress relief).
So, tonight, the red wine forecast (possibly even the 'smidge of bubble' forecast) is looking fairly bright.
Happy Friday one and all!
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