Looking up...

By tralala

We're off!

It has been a VERY long day. We were up at 3am and off to the airport. All the usual waiting around and then we were finally on our way.

This picture was taken as we were flying over the Spanish Coast and heading over the Mediterranean, towards Morocco. Nancy managed to stay awake from the early hours, all excited about her holiday, until literally five minutes before we landed and then she fell asleep. Typical!

It was 27C when we landed. Yay!

The hotel is lovely and we've been recuperating with a glass of beer or two in the sunshine, but we are now absolutely exhausted.

I didn't bring a laptop to download photos to so all my blips will be from the iPad. I could back lip but I'm determined to do 365, one a day, every day.

We're here to mark a special occasion but more of that tomorrow as I'm far too tired and off to dinner.

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