The story so far...


One happy child

Wow what a day. Cam woke up grumpy and angry with the world. We decided to go to baby gym which was the biggest waste if time as cam decided to spend most of the time having a temper tantrum in the floor because he couldn't play with a punk pram. It got so out of hand at one point, mummy had to leave him in the car park floor screaming whilst she put ollie in the car so she could properly deal with him. We haven't had a tantrum on this scale for weeks and it was horrible to see them returning. He has started repeating the last word you say at the end of every sentence so maybe this development step is the culprit?!
We spent the rest of the day at home and mummy made banana and chocolate cupcakes whilst cam sulked on the sofa and ollie welcomed the return of the jumperoo. He was over the moon at the return of his favourite toy and bounced his little heart out until it all went quiet. Apparently it is comfy to nap in to.
At least one child was happy today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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