The story so far...


King of the castle

We recently discovered that Beale park, a place we loved when we visited last year, is on the door step of our new house. Mummy and the boys took a trip there today and as it is so close we bought a yearly pass so we can visit whenever we want. Cam loved looking at the animals and going on the train but the little tikes land was his favourite. He spent loads of time going from house to house and had to try out every slide at least five times. The castle monopolised most of his attention though and he also looked pleased as punch when he climbed to the top. He also discovered how to open the gate so trying to escape being his mission for a while. Ollie had a play with mummy on the slides as was beaming from ear to ear the whole time.
He managed to walk the whole time we were there (4 hours) only stopping for lunch and was as good as gold. It will definitely become our new place to go to the park in future.

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