
By LadyFindhorn

Nice Weather for Ducks

This one didn't appear to be concerned about the damp drizzly day and was happy to appear nonchalant in front of his wife and the camera as he stretched his duck leg.

I had yet another wrapping present day today and am beginning to wonder when it is going to end. I'm now on birthdays. I think it should be compulsory for those whose birthdays fall between say 5th December and 5th January to have official birthdays outwith the festive season. There are 3 members of my immediate family and 2 friends in this category and I feel sure they would appreciate not having birthday gifts muddled up with Christmas presents.

His Lordship braved his still-troubling-him Czech tummy to put the lights and tinsel on the Christmas tree this morning , while I added a few baubles here and there, and last but not least, the tree fairy who is now 46 years old and looking her age. her magic wand is broken and her dress has seen better days, but I'm sure she still enjoys the views aloft.

I've spent the last few hours making my annual calendar. It takes time, starting from scratch and printing and binding it, but it is a challenge which I perversely enjoy.
I have had no trouble this year in finding photographs for the various months, thanks to Blipfoto!

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